Thursday, May 22, 2003

ok im done for the summer and i got nothing to do, no where to go, i got to be sadated.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

OK, here's the deal. This passage is me sitting out side taking sentences from peoples conversations as they walk past me. So I wrote random sentences down, and then it sounded like one big conversation...u follow? As you will read the first sentence is what inspired me because it was completely random. Each sentence is from a different conversation...and the things in parentheses are a description of things I saw.

Conversation: Outside Johnson Hall
I got alot of dead cats
Rub it in my face, Im leaving
Thanks man
Your good, ok stop
Its not fair, that was so close to victory
Its all about how you present yourself to be
Lets go your short way
Well cause I cant, I dont know why
So whats the poison for?
(cough) (written on a shirt: practice sucks, but i love the shoes)
Your falling behind here
Hey, are you leaving tonight?
What?! you dont think i wouldn't have any money
I counted it up, you can miss 28 questions
That sucks, well, call me before you leave or something
(some guys walk by carring someone tied up at the ankles, wrists, and a blind fold on. They are laughing and struggling to carry him)
Create a baracade so no one sees him
(The street lights come on)
I have to pee oh my god
I just want to grab a waffel in the morning except i dont want to wake you up
ARRG, 4 hit combo
Well this should be a good experience for you then
I got it professionally spray painted
ok peace

end of conversation

Sunday, May 04, 2003

We just had a near life experience.