Throw out a net and close your eyes while you mine,
You aim for the fish but don’t care what you find,
A thousand years of harmony never to be seen
Guzzled by man guzzling gasoline
Now that you’ve humpbacked all the whales from the sea
There’s much more room for your secret pollutants (that you like to call submarines)
And it’s as if we didn’t know
We all contribute to this suffering
Through the things we buy without even thinking
As if we really thought – it’s fair
Animals have enough skin to share
Now back to the land, a greater disturbance to natural man
When companies own DNA and farmers are sued when they sow
We are forced to label things as organic, otherwise we wouldn’t know
And some place real far children sweat hard to produce our candy bars
The natives are starving for self subsistence and wells go dry (due to corporate ignorance)
And it’s as if we didn’t know
We all contribute to this suffering
Through the things we buy without even thinking
As if we really thought - it’s fair
My pair shoes appeared out of thin air
The coming of technology is just another poison in our bread
Check the ingredients can you understand what it says
No need to sigh, yellow #5 will only kill a few of the little guys
We need to stop thinking that if it’s available to buy - then it is legit,
But the government is only concerned if you immediately die (because of it)
And it’s as if we didn’t know
We all contribute to this suffering
Through the things we buy without even thinking
As if we really thought - it’s fair
These cookies were hand baked by grandma wearing polka dotted underwear
Do we see the labored hands and bent over spine
How’d you like to work all the time and be repaid less than a dime
Thank the prisoners that took care to finely sew your brazier
While companies with adopted customer families use America to capitalize
On factories of exploited countries enslaving other families (in dilapidated economies)
And it’s if we didn’t know
We all contribute to this suffering
Through the things we buy without even thinking
As if we really thought - it’s fair