Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Arrg, I dont know why blogger is being wierd and not posting the rest of my writing. If you want to read the rest of it just go to the archives on the left, and click on the one that has december 6th in it. How rude of blogger to do this...I'll be posting picures of us in the snow on the pic site and the other one. Im trying to keep up with it all, but I recently lost my VCU ID card so its been pretty crappy trying to get a new one...maybe I shouldnt have thrown that orange, cause thats when I think I dropped it. Oh well, theres nothing I can do but strech foreward and forget about my woes...P.S. I dyed one of my dreads a funky dark redish color, but the color blends with the brown of my hair anway, meaghan says it looks like a bloody tampon but I'd like to think of it as butt cleavage...wait... i hate butt cleavage, more like Armandex (copywrited bye mike entertainment)..which is Armani Spandex.

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