Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy holidays and peace on earth!
time of giving means a time of selfless being - we may achieve abundance in giving that which we want for ourselves, that which is most difficult for us to give is what will create the most growth and bliss in ourselves. so during this time it is important to think of giving the smiles and love that we have eternally and can never exhaust. when we give this great gift to those around us = the generosity is passed along creating such a great effect that we are uplifted to a place of tranquility so easily - by thinking not of ourself we can realize how much we give to ourself in spirit and we can then know that a great blessing is upon us, somthing that is worth more than any thing we can give away - and somthing that lasts as long as we keep this state of mind. please let peace come into us through these acts - the acts of the inner love for a truth that is contained in every one of us.

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