Saturday, December 03, 2005

Reverberate Emptiness

My heart has lost its strings to serenade
They’ve been plucked before
They’ve made music before
But now all that’s left is a hollow body
Ready to reverberate
Waiting to be restrung
My heart has lost its strings to serenade
What good are the curves of acoustics
If they can not even sing of sorrow
Without a single vibratory string
My heart flat lines
With the soundless songs
Of yesterday catching up with today
This score waits to be compiled again
With the single syllable of creation
Reverberating the truth
Reverberating a passion
To want to be warmly humming
The tune will want to
Want to
Love the days that harmony
Flowed swift in the vessel of my heart
If the purpose is to serenade
My instrument remains only an echo overplayed
I Only Wanted
A starving shadow waits to be blown across a skull capped desert
The cacti provide the spiritual source of greenery
The clouds wait to rain
Wind hesitates to breathe
Oh bold sun, forty times you reappeared
With poisoned water and stolen bread rejected
I wait
To glimpse the source

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