Thursday, April 28, 2005

100% or not? What do you think... I spotted this after i drank the 100% juice least is 100% of something.  Posted by Hello

One O'clock Posted by Hello
For anyone who is interested, click the "photoNoshop" on my links bar, this guy/girl has really awesome photos...

I've got rain Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

Kylie and the infamous blue popsicle Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I'll walk the long way home,
if it means I'll stay in the sun.
What is it like to go out every sunday,
and pretend like you know the sun.
There's nothing else but the search on the inside,
dont pretend that there's a more important one.
We should all take the long way home,
if it means we'll stay in the sun
-it's a light that doesn't exaggerate,
-it's an experience taught by no one
-its the reminder outside our mind
To feel the sun, with all that it touches,
Lets us feel the concept of one.
Beware: it's the search that searches for itself
while the truth remains to be touched,
just sitting out in the open,
in the light, on the long way home.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

haven't posted in a long while now
check out the movie I "heart" huckabees and also "what the bleep to we know"
more to come