Friday, January 31, 2003

So I've decided to get a new engine for my beelte, well a used one, and get it running again. Hopefully it will work. I am putting it up for sale but i think it will be a while until i sell it. I make a link to my beetle picture on the left.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Another homeless sighting:
Willy, A.K.A. High As A Butterfly
So I was on my way to a thrift store, skating along, when i came to a bad section of the side walk. I couldnt skate on it so i go off my board and started walking with it. It wasnt long before i heard some hootin and hollerin' from my right. Now i tried not to look, because i knew that this uncomfortable noise was directed towards me. So i kept walking....not looking...trying not to look..."Yomon!"..."Yomon!" darnet i looked. This scraggly homeless negro was staggering towards me trying to get my attention. Well, he wasnt so scragly, in fact you could say he was kind of spiffed up for a homeless guy. His attire consisted of (in order that they got my attention): 1)BRIGHTLY colored tie-dye t-shirt. 2)Black beanie with rainbow stripes on the brow. 3) Black belt, with metal holes in it (lookes like the kind girls wear).
4)dirt coverd jeans, with holes and the like. 5)black sweat pants underneath. 6)grey sweat shirt underneath his tie-dye shirt. 7)Sunglasses, the cheap jogging kind. Like a purple reflective lense, where i couldnt see his eyes. Thats what i can remember....also let me mention he had dreads too. His speach pattern was off, like most homeless people he spoke very relaxed, combineing words and not prouncing them fully.
"Yomon whatis dat?(pointing at my skateboard)" "Aoh yagot dreadsdoo" translation: "good day sir, what is that thing you are carrying? and oh, you have dreads too."
I said "yeah i have dreads, this is my skate board".
"Ohiss a..skatbood, mandis alonskatbood." translation: "Oh, i see, a skate board. Man, this is a long skateboard"
"yeah it is"
"Ah andur dreaz, yagot dreads" he said with excitement. translation: "and your dreads, you have dreads"
at this point he stuck out his arms, as if to give me a hug. I really didnt know what he wanted me to do, so i got close and attemped a hug of some sort. Now i feel like i belong to some club or gang, people walking by think we are long lost friends or something. Im starting to itch too?!
"Telmemon, whyyawant dreds, imaight wit whiteman havin dredzandall, noprobem, but whiedya getdredz" translation:"Tell me sir, why did you want dreads? I mean, i am alright with a white man havinig dreads, not a problem, buy why did you get them?"
"I just wanted to, I like them"
"Rhitlysomon, dreadsargood. heymon whaisurname?" translation:"Rightly so sir, your dreads look good. Pardon me, perhaps could you tell me what your name is?
"My name is Mike"
"Aho Mik, minamis Willy, butpeople ca-me ..hiasa buterfly", sticking out his hand and doing some handshake with me. translation:"Please to meet you Mike. My name is Willy, but people call me High As A Butterfly"
"ok(chuckling a bit)"
"aightmon, jabodich mino bla bla bla" translation: "alright sir, (jibberish)" i didnt know what he was really saying at this point, your guess is as good as mine.
"yeah, well, i got to head home now"
"okmon, kepdadreads..okmon" translation:"ok, have a nice day and keep the dreads"
And at that my encounter was at its end. We walked in our seperate directions, leaving me speachless and thoughtless and just wanting to take a shower.

Monday, January 27, 2003

Ready...Im trying here people. Its just that its hard for me to be inspired staring at this, box. my computer. the screen. I get alot of ideas, really, but not right now. I remember alot of things i want to write down, they come to me when i am lying in bed. it seems that it is then where my thoghts are clearest, and even more persistant. It is kind of ironic, the moment where i want peace and to stop thinking, i think the most. I just sit in bed for hours, with tons of ideas and thoughts and feelings, everything seems to be at its peek. i would write them all down, but im lazy. I really had some good thoughts too, and i would like to have shared them with you guys, but i cant think of them now. I wish i had written them down, or there was something to record what i was thinking. it would also be easier if i didnt have a roomate, because then i could get up and play my guitar when a good tune comes into my head, or turn on the light to write it down. but no, i lose all the good stuff. all the passion is gone, and i continually regret not writing things down when they come to mind. i guess i should start.....i'll get back to you with some brilliant stuff, i mean, borderline mind blowing stuff....take a seat....

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

every one knows
the feeling told
a dot, contained
an arrow, flat
lines and beyond
beautiful is forgotten
words are forgotten
circle to circle
center red is struck
blink, but stare
sprouted feathers explode
with ground falling
air and more air
tis what we owe
pleasure of first shot
in season blossoming
come yee
carrier and archer
let me feel
so that i know
what is real
a burning heart
with winged angel
it proclaims :
"for a time
your eyes may be
unblind, this i give
the power of chance
vison of true
a mind, unwritten
some take with pain
some leave bear
only the wise
shut thou eyes
to reveal what
is truly there"

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

We can't think witout words
this is what a professor just said to my class. its a confusing statement to me at least, because i'd hope that my thinking wasn't confined to words, so i thought it was true. Then i asked to myself: "isnt a picutre worth a thousand words"? so dreams and pictures in my mind would void this statement because they could be a type of thinking too, right? who cares anyway, that guy is dumb for even getting me started
ok well..due to popular demand, and by popular demand i mean ...well it just sounds cool, i will get back into the habit of writing stuff. so how was ur break..i cant really say christmas break because not everyone celebrates christmas, and not everyone celebrates christmas for the right reasons. It is supposed to be a chirstain holiday, but people who belive in the tooth fairy more than they believe in jesus, or god, celebrate christmas. so it has become that the 25 of december has been degraded from jesus' birthday to a day of exchanging gifts and extreme glutony, fitting our materialistic world perfectly. another thing that bothers me is that jesus wasn't even born in december. according to ancient records jesus was born in april, or so i've heard from the discovery channel, and the catholic/christian church moved it to december to compete with the jewish holidy of chaunaka (how ever you spell it). In the month of april is also easter, and we can't have two major holidays so close to each other. So it just that in it's self changes the meaning of the Christmas, i mean if anyone could choose to celeberate their birthday on any other wouldnt really be their birthday...well from now on im changing my birthday from october 23 to ...say july 4, its just sounds cool...ok anyway. Im just sayin that christmas is a confusing holiday, i just feel that people try to put all this meaning behind it that they dont even fully believe or support. the holiday is not really what we think it to be, its just all dressed up with lights and nice wrapping paper that we just get so carried away with all the phyical, material things that what we really want it to be about doenst happen. Instead it turns into a month where parents can make their kids behave and act all sweet to each other just so they can get their barbie dream house or paint ball gun the've always wanted. there is really nothing wrong with giving and being nice once in a while, it just bothers me that its connected to religion and faith, very weakly might i add, because its just doenst make sense to me. over the years i've noticed my intrest in christmas decline, its just not really about what i thought it was, but there is nothing i can really do about it but gritt my teeth and spend all my money, then be broke and feeling even more frustrated when valentine's day comes around. now just dont get me started on that wack holiday.

Monday, January 13, 2003

whats up everyone, I haven't written in a while...i will write later tonight. Just letting you know I didn't get run over by reindeer, im still alive.