Tuesday, November 25, 2003

No Answers

In society you are given the answers, in nature you find the answers.
This is the ultimate in questioning, weather to receive the answers, or to obtain them. What can we do best but to only trust ourselves. Therefore, the answers society gives me is not good enough, collaborated minds may be worth something, but I will not have the proof. It’s a personal battle, that I can only see one defense, which is to shield myself from making my reality that of someone else. Making uninformed decisions as to reality is not reality at all. To gain a perspective on something, is to derive at a conclusion from previously gained knowledge, but where do we get this previous knowledge. Is it taught to us by someone who was taught by someone else, is there an underlying constant that just radiates the truth? The question I am asking here is how do we know what is truth and what is just an educated guess, a hypothesis to what we believe is real. There are answers that can be based on facts, this we call science. But to a student with no relation to these facts or initial observations that revealed these facts, it is meaningless. So for an individual, the knowledge of a particular fact can be gained by a passing along sort of way (i.e. word of mouth), or by direct observation, in which case we use our previous knowledge to asses and make a conclusion involving this particular fact. Then another question arises to where we got this previous knowledge, it all stems to the truth, the roots. In my own opinion nature is the roots. By nature, it can be seen as the direct observation method as I had previously stated to gaining knowledge. This method, I believe, can be the only truth for ourselves, because we personally derive at it. The real truth I am speaking of is not of proven science, what atoms make up this tree, but rather what meaning does this tree have in relation to me. Why is it here now as I look at it, and does it contain truth in itself? Truth about what is real and what isn’t? Now confusion might set in as to why one would question reality. This is only because I am not happy to the answers I have been given, or lack thereof. So the question still lurks, and reality remains undefined to me, although it is clear that society wants to believe it has all the answers, when it doesn’t, while nature is just acting out its course for us to observe, not forcing or subdued, but pure in the way it is meant to be. Maybe the problem is that society has forced me into believing a particular reality, or that any reality exists at all, when in fact there is no division to what is real and what is unknown but said to be real. Or, even more complex, there could be a reality that is not yet even recognized. Even then facts for definition can be useless, for it is how we place meaning on things that define our worlds. Some say clothes are an important cultural aspect, while it is clear that other cultures place less emphasis on this. Which is the truth, or is there any truth in it at all? Some may say that these differences do not matter, but it clear that we make sure to feel that one is better than the other. And if we say these little differences, such as clothes or diets, do not have a right way or wrong way, then who is to say that one belief of reality is right or wrong. So I see it the fault of society that it has closed its collective senses and built up walls, which in return creates a false sense of reality. That is why nature will always be where society is not. For it is not natural for man to be told the truth instead of letting him discover his own.

Monday, November 24, 2003

The Right of No Action

The only thing I can do in life is not do something. This is the only power of choice I am entitled to, non-action. I have the right to not do many things, but yet I can’t do anything I want, the power of choice is, merely, to hold the right to not act. I do not have the right to steal what I want; I don’t have the right to kill; I do not have the right to just do whatever comes to mind; So it is I only have the right use non-action in the situations involving choice. For example if a plate of food is given to me, what are my choices? To not eat what lies on the plate is my only choice, simply because the plate was given to me to eat. To actually eat it was not a choice.
My right doesn’t lie in doing these things; it lies in not doing these things. I am not, by all means, saying that we don’t have choice to act on something; I am simply stating that I have the right to refuse more than I have the right to act. This is the turmoil of personal decisions, but the answer is more easily seen than done. For, if I do not want to pay taxes, I can simply not act to pay them. Do I have this right? Governmentally? No. Personally? Yes. I do have this right, even thought it is not lawfully recognized. However, we do according to the consequences of our actions.
I believe it is more powerful to not act and retain my right of choice, than to give my right away to the things that are really no choice at all. Those that are of no choice are the actions that are done without the recognition of other responses. Some may say that it is a weakness to not act, to choose specifically to not act. As in a fight, if I choose not to defend my self I will surly be injured, though it is my right. It might be seen as an unwise thing to do in a fight, but who has more power then? The one acting upon his emotions and using violence, or the one who simply can choose violence, but doesn’t? Surely, the one who is retaining his choice, retains much more than that.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

"Accumulation is deficiency". That which we own, confines us. That which we own, defines us. To accumulate is to build our bars, one by one. There is no other escape but to be rid of the things that let us wander, to feel nothing on our sholders, to have nothing to keep us behind. This is how freedom is won, nothing is wanted nor needed - this realizalization is the enemy of capatalism, of how we are goverened. so let us be inprisoned, for it is to show that some think that having my body phyically confined means that I am also confined. For I would be more free with no choices, than to choose a meesly article of clothing to wear. Today, we have so many choices that it is paralyzing. So i wish to have no choice, and so my mind will not be forced to decide, and, therefore, be freest of these burdons.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

what more can i say. limping on time, climbing vines - swing to the next. Faith has all to do with it, but only nature guides. wisdom? who is to say why one can be so far away from the next, without even the thought of sanity. We can not compare, for to judge is to put everything in a box. This is what confines many of this world, we have our own boxes - with no air holes and no views to see outside. this is a fault i am guilty of many times over, but to see it, is to see paradise on the horizon. Just like the sun, when it is visible, it is awaited to warm us.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

"Osama and Saddam adopt ape child" - weekly world news

The leaves of fall are their own form of precipitation.
A layered potpourri of changing colors,
Scattered so no ground is certain.
It tracks us about, under our feet,
Travels with us, as mud often times had done.
These branches look as if they are weeping golden tears,
They know soon they will be naked.
Some try to contain the sheddings,
Stack them in neat little piles, push them out from under their guardians.
However, it is in where the leaf chooses to fall, that I find the most beauty,
When these colored artifacts choose to adorn us,
From the time a single droplet wills its way off from home,
To let the wind decide its destination.
For in a single moment’s flicker, it is evident that each has a story to tell.
And, each has a profound effect,
On the way I perceive this world.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Head – Toes; No middle.

Once, a time yesterday, I glanced behind me.
I’ve never been dancing.
Epilepsy lights
Shared fluids
Movements embarrassed
I’ve never been in a fight.
Unnecessary rising
Egotistical cake
Unresolved endings
I’ve never been sailing.
Currency floating
Burning time
Worthless conversation
I’ve never fully rested, been naked, been alive.
What is human, but to be at fault, to contradict intellectual thoughts without thinking, being animal without being human, being human without knowing a difference in what is described as definitions. Always wanting, never satisfied.
Consumerism’s web. Nonchalant’s acceptance of incompleteness in order to be fulfilled, accept imperfections to be whole,
to be really real. The tree that is stands the tallest, is the first to be cut down. So quick to kill, so quick to use, so quick to
beat the competitor that we pay no attention to where we put the keys, or when we had to speak, when we had a meeting
with that picture in the mirror. Lost, track of time: regret accomplished. Acceptance still questioning actions, while leaving
concrete footprints in the form of sliced skin. Buy me, buy it, forget it, forget me.