Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Thanks for all your comments, they are well recieved, positive or negitive they all inspire me. I have never pushed my beliefs on anybody, and never said what is right or wrong in this world. there are a few things i know to be positively true, and one of those things is that i know i dont know anything. people who push their beliefs on other people, positive that their ways are the only way, need to step back and look at the whole picture, look beyond religion and look beyond the single sided world they know. it is true that there hasent been a single culture or civilization that didnt have some form of religion, some form of the supernatural, even people who call themselves atheist. think about it, with all of the beliefs out there who is to say which one is reality, which one is truth. Almost everyone takes on the beliefs that the majority hold in that society, for americans its mostly christianity, our government was even built upon it. for people of other cultures they have the say training as they grow up to believe certain ideas or certain supernatural beings. this is true, so who is right? everyone of course - so if you really believe god created animals for people to enjoy them, thats great, but would you treat anything god created as factory farms treat them? on those farms god didnt create them, laboratories and chemicals did, but that does not change their nature, but it does change ours. our idea of animals has changed so much over the past 50 years or so that people loose the love for the gifts we have, they just want more, and quicker too. If you had your own farm, fed your animals and then decided to eat them - ok. you undersand the nature of eating, but to go to the store and pick up a plactic waped piece of steak - what is that? an animal, food, or just materialism? just another thing to buy and consume, without thought to the before and after and of what it does to your own body and mind. it creates greed, it destroys compassion, it makes you loose touch with what the real world is really about... i dont know but i make it my duty to get past the bubble that we live in, i dont want to accept anything as the way it is, because i do know that there has got to be more, beyond the wal-marts and shopping malls, beyond the fast food chains and the nightly news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here you go again writing blasphemy. My sons are starting to go on this wretched path as well, all the beatings i gave them never shaped them into the perfect christ like son that God wishes we all could be. I think my wife might leave me and take my sons with her. i do not understand, all i do is follows Gods will and everything i have leaves me. i go to mass every day, i go to confession once a week. I do the rosery daily, and say ten our fathers and ten hail marys before i go to bed each night. you think God would do something to help me out here! I am really confused now, i know i have left comments on your site saying how you do devils work, but perhaps i may be wrong. You seem so confident in this path that you are on. Although i do not believe that all religions lead to God and some are inherantly wrong, perhaps your 'compasssion' is what God really likes instead. I always thought punishment and discipline is what God wanted, but now i am unsure. what are your beliefs? what doctrines do you follow? what are your commandments? Please have patience with me as i can be very extreme sometimes feeling as though i am a disciple of God.