Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some people just can’t sit still – they got to go all around in circles, see this and that, and forget about that stuff under their feet – what’s that? Oh, its HERE. Well excuse me for butting in but I’m HERE, where are you? What’s the problem with just stopping for a second, or even for a day, but sorry to trouble you for you got the whole year planned out and you can’t be bothered to stop until you get there. But where are you actually going? Well you can run in circles all you want but what happens is that you end up forgetting yourself, because you’re never completely HERE to think about it. and what’s the trouble with just stopping for a moment to see your reflection, no not the mirror to see how you look for the dinner you have tonight then you got to make sure that its all tidy and in order on the outside cause you know that its got to cover up what it really looks like on the inside. what it is – is that your afraid of what might reflect back to you when you stop – so you keep going only to let yourself forget about it until one of two things happens: either all this mess builds up on the inside, where the pressure becomes too great cause you haven’t been paying any attention to it – then – boom the mess is released in a fury of tears and you’ve lost control - you are forced to feel all that which you have been running from – well, not forced to because its natural, just that you have been delaying all those little guys saying we need attention and your just delaying having to deal with them, and then finally they all get together and protest and break down the castle doors and demand to get their issues resolved – they just want justice. That’s option number one and I’ve seen it happen. Option number two is stopping for a minute and letting someone like me talk you into just sitting for a minute and playing a game called who can be silent the longest – allowing you finally to arrive to that place you’ve been running to, you thought it was behind your back but now its in front of you. The HERE is telling you to take off your shoes and stay a while. The Here is telling you how to deal with those guys lined up behind that big door you put up, one by one. whispering in your ear that you are all you ever need and that you’ve got it right HERE. Both options are difficult, but one involves a lot less suffering to learn an important lesson – I cant tell you, I cant, but what I can do is point you in the right direction where we don’t have to be running anymore, where we don’t have to have a check list to make it look like we’ve gotten things done – because once you sit to let this hurried you take in some oxygen, take in some serenity, then you just might realize that you’ve done it all before and it always seemed the same, I mean you didn’t actually go anywhere at all and you’ve been carrying all this suffering around so why not try something new that is actually doing nothing at all, but then you might find out that you were doing this all along – nothing. So why waste the energy when you don’t have to do anything for the same results? If you put all that energy into HERE, then you might actually go places…..I’ve seen it.

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