Tuesday, April 13, 2004

not much going on here...just alot of reading and alot of writing papers.

Few books worth mentioning
- Seeds of peace by: Sulak Sivaraksa
- This is It by: Alan Watts
- The Bhagavad Ghita (Hindu Text)

Quotes worth metnioning
"Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy. Its only that. Thats all, thats all! If anyone finds out he'll become happy at once, that minute...It's all good. I discovered it all of a sudden." -Kirillov in Dostoyevsky's The Possessed-

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know that place for the first time." - T. S. Elliot.-

"There is nothing as strong as gentleness, and nothing as gentle as great strength." -unknown-

"Water can crash, or it can flow. Be like water, my friend." -Bruce Lee-

"Cows cry louder than cabbages" Henry D. Thoreau

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