Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Symbol Flavored Fruit
Flavored pain tastes more like tangerines
Fruits commend the intake of knives
Would you puncture, like you do them
Comsume with no thought of existance
Does blood always have to be red
Or is juice also life flowing from veins
What detirmines intelligent life
One with none is equal to squashed tomatoes


this is all nonsense:

mind fuzzy run
bed slow drip
comfort mobile fall
space tight fix
eyes slowly scatter
run fuzzy mind
drip slow bed
fall mobile comfort
fix tight space
scatter slowly eyes
try try try
dont try nothing
do try nothing
nothing good
nothing is better
nothing is something
something is peace
peace is sleep.

do nothing and do something. to accomplish something you must not try but just do it. the mind is best when worked the least. inner peace is needed. stop thinking. now is now and that is now. no tomarrow.
let everything go and it will all come to you. dont let things you cant controll scare you. things happen cause they happen you can do anything about it. simple is better. wise is not knowlege. knowlege is nothing if not used.
dont learn things just to know them. wisest is he who knows he does not know - socrates. lows are not as low without the highs. let nature take its course. go somewhere to be there. dont be here to be somewhere else.
a man died from running from his shadow when all he had to do was lay in the shade under a tree. vinigar is delicious. be alive. the tao that is written is no the tao.

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