Friday, June 04, 2004

First-Aid As A Last Resort

I am oblivious to the world around me, yet I know it through a single action
I am lost in the vat that separates skin and soul.
It is not being perfect in what I do,
It is knowing that I have given it all a chance to be perfect
What do we discover through searching but our own ends
It means being satisfied, but you have built your own cubicle
With wood grown without wisdom and nails forged from another’s sweat.
So it is that I know,
Thinking with a first aid kit puts education in rear seat
Still, the rain will come when you need it, and also when you don’t.
So slip sometimes and stare back at the sky with a fury
The drops will clear you eyes quick enough
Grace always has a purpose and soon we will all have this moment

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