Friday, July 02, 2004

Free Freedom

Well don’t disguise, I can read
Free is in its name, we all can see
wisest is he who puts down his gun
and saves two souls instead of shooting at one
yet another man will send someone to heaven
before he will ever get the chance
why cant we see, all this fighting
can never set us free, its not the meaning of free
and if we find foreign men outside
yelling for someone else’s freedom
then ask them why they eat before you
ask them why they sleep in better beds
while your dreams have been found missing their heads
steel makes up cells, yet it claims to free as well?
don’t let them tell you what to believe
never let a stranger speak for your family
what we need to be wondering
instead of who might be the enemy
is where they’ve hidden freedom
its nowhere to be seen
free freedom, before it looses it wings
free freedom, before it forgets how to sing
free freedom, it will know what to do
free freedom, with it you can not loose
some people say that freedom isn’t free
but I disagree, we all deserve to be free
it is definitely worth fighting for
but when you have to fight those
who claim to fight for freedom
then it is a self defeating war
we are no better off than before
so step back and inspect
the motives that involve men and their money
for one country cannot see well the borders of another
and can only act but with its own head
when one family can go out and play
on a green lawn waving to the neighbors
how can they know the right words to say
on matters of fellow men
who fear walking by their windows
because their neighbors were crying yesterday
I cannot vote for an army of my countrymen
to give back a country to its own citizens
by taking force against them
while shooting at the people to keep them safe
what sense does this make
when death can protect our children
from suffering a long life
who is a traitor against their birthright
when we give freedom on paper
and keep it safe in a cage
free freedom, before it looses it wings
free freedom, before it forgets how to sing
free freedom, it will know what to do
free freedom, with it you can not loose

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